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Reasons NOT to Be Worried About Fluoride Water

September 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — bricedental @ 10:42 pm
Close up of someone filling their glass with tap water

Have you heard that fluoride is in drinking water? It’s true, but this is far from a nightmarish sci-fi movie scenario. In fact, the American Dental Association (ADA) supports water fluoridation, as studies have shown it it’s beneficial for your teeth. As a preventative dental care measure, it’s quite effective! To learn more about why fluoride water is not a cause for concern, just keep reading.

What is Fluoride?

It wouldn’t be quite accurate to call fluoride a chemical compound. Actually, it’s a naturally occurring mineral commonly found in water – as in rivers, streams, rain, the ocean, etc. It’s even in a lot of vegetables, because plants absorb it when they drink. Basically, it’s not something that was invented in a lab, and you’d likely ingest trace amounts of it even if you stopped drinking tap water.

The Fluoride Agenda: Cavity Protection

The main reason fluoride is added to community water is for cavity protection. This mineral has an excellent reaction with tooth enamel that’s appropriately known as “remineralization”. Fluoride will more or less integrate with your enamel, fortifying your teeth against bacteria and decay. Incidentally, this is also why it’s a common ingredient in toothpaste and, naturally, your dentist’s fluoride treatments.  

Fluoride’s Extensive Scientific Backing

Plenty of research has been done on the impact of adding fluoride to drinking water. And for nearly 75 years, the general consensus has been that water fluoridation is safe and effective. Many health organizations, not just the ADA, still believe that it’s a beneficial additive. Some even compare fluoride water to vitamin-enriched products such as milk with enhanced vitamin D or calcium-fortified orange juice.

Overall, fluoride is simply another tool for preventive dental care. It won’t make you grow an extra limb or lose braincells, but it will give your teeth an edge in fighting off tooth decay and cavities. If that sounds like an advantage you’d like to have, let your dentist know at your next checkup and cleaning. Almost all dentists provide fluoride treatments during routine care – they’d be more than happy to support your oral health diligence!

About the Dentist

Dr. Zachary Brice earned his dental degree from the University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio Dental School. He diligently and earnestly keeps up with the latest dental technology and research, so if you have questions about fluoride’s effects on your teeth, he has answers! To contact Dr. Brice’s office with questions or to schedule an appointment, call 210-903-5565.

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