When you have a dental insurance plan, either from your employer or from the marketplace, you’re able to pay for basic and complex dental treatments more easily and with greater predictability. Preventive care is by far one of the most important forms of care you can get, and dental insurance will often cover the majority of costs when you use it for these treatments. When you’re ready to use it, we’re here to help!
When it comes down to it, dental insurance is meant to be used on a regular basis, rather than when a dental emergency occurs or you have lots of dental work to complete. This is much different than medical insurance, which is traditionally used to treat a severe illness or emergency. Dental insurance is meant to be used to get your basic cleanings, exams and X-rays done. This combined with routine at-home care can dramatically reduce your need for more complex restorative or emergency treatments.
While your dental insurance plan has its own unique details that you’ll need to consider, many dental plans cover certain types of treatments in the same way. Regardless of where you get your insurance, it’s likely to break down into something like this:
Brice Dental is currently in-network with Delta Dental Premier and accepts all other PPO plans. Being in-network simply means that our dental office has agreed to certain prices set by the insurance company, which generally results in more affordable care for those within the plan. However, being out-of-network does not necessarily mean you can’t still save on dental care costs via your plan. We’ll go over your benefits in greater detail and make sure you’re maximizing them when it’s time for your care.