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Emergency Dentistry – San Antonio, TX

Got an Emergency?
New Patients are Welcome!

Dental emergencies deserve the same level of attention as any other emergency. After all, your tooth won’t get better on its own when it’s damaged by decay or injury. So, please call Dr. Brice and our team – we’ll do everything possible to see you for same-day care! Our office will take the steps needed to determine your oral issue and help you leave us pain-free. If you’re suffering from a dental emergency, don’t put off care any longer; schedule an appointment with Brice Dental today!

Why Choose Brice Dental for Emergency Dentistry?

  • Dedicated to Seeing You the Same Day
  • Multiple Levels of Sedation Available
  • Highly Personalized Treatments

How We Treat Dental Emergencies

Man in need of emergency dentistry holding cheek

If you’re facing your first dental emergency, don’t panic; our dental team will gladly walk you through the treatment process. To be exact, you can expect these four things from your emergency dental care:


  • A Same-Day Visit – Once you call us, we’ll book you for the earliest possible visit. It’s even likely that you’ll see us for same-day care. While you wait for the visit, our team can also share first-aid tips with you over the phone.
  • An Emergency Exam – You’ll first undergo an oral exam when you arrive at our office. That way, Dr. Brice can confirm the source of your issue. The exam will also help us decide how to relive your pain.
  • A Findings Review – Dr. Brice will review his findings with you after the exam, suggesting some suitable procedures for you. Our office will use your feedback to these suggestions to draft a custom treatment plan. Of course, we’ll explain estimated costs and timeframes before you commit to anything.
  • The Dental Care You Need –  Following your treatment plan, we’ll quickly address your dental problem and repair your smile. Our team has the skill and experience to do so. Whether you need a dental crown, root canal, filling, or something else, we’ll get your smile back on track.

The Most Common Dental Emergencies

While the steps to managing a dental emergency can vary, always start by giving our office a call. This gives you a chance to book a visit and get crucial advice on what to do next. That said, you can take steps to improve your situation before you arrive for your appointment. Below, you’ll find our tips to handle everything from tooth pain to knocked-out teeth and more!

Understanding the Cost of Emergency Visits

Woman at emergency dentistry appointment holding cheek

Toothaches and other dental emergencies are stressful enough without having to worry about whether you’ll be able to afford your visit. We’ll never ask you to commit to any sort of treatment plan without first making sure that you understand the costs involved and that you’re comfortable with your ability to pay them. Below is a brief overview of what can affect the amount you end up paying for emergency dental care.

Young woman with dental hygienist for dental emergency

Every Dental Emergency is Different

Minor dental emergencies might require a filling or a dental crown to protect a damaged tooth. But if there’s a more severe problem, you might need a root canal, or the tooth might have to be extracted altogether. Because there are so many different types of emergencies, it’s impossible to give any sort of useful estimate of the overall cost until we’ve had a chance to determine the underlying root of the problem. The cost of the emergency visit itself will be relatively low, but the final price will likely vary quite a bit depending on your needs. Please let us know if you have any questions about our findings, our treatment recommendations, and the estimated costs involved so that you aren’t surprised at the worst possible moment later on.

Tooth next to a dental emergency kit

Taking Care of Your Smile Can Save You Money

Do you want to cut down the costs of emergency dental care? The answer is simple: don’t have an emergency! You won’t be able to avoid trauma that’s the result of an unexpected accident, of course, but protecting your smile from decay and gum disease is completely within your power. A good oral hygiene routine and biannual dental appointments may just end up saving you thousands of dollars as the years go by.

If something does happen to your teeth, we recommend calling our office immediately. It’ll be easier for us to offer less costly solutions when we’re dealing with relatively small issues long before they turn into complicated oral health problems that could easily result in tooth loss.

Man with towel around neck brushing teeth in mirror

Does Dental Insurance Cover Dental Emergencies?

Many plans offer coverage for one emergency examination per year. The coverage for the actual treatment is a different matter, as the percentage that your plan is able to pay will vary depending on the type of service. Most restorative treatments like crown placement and root canal therapy are covered from anywhere between 50% to 80%. In general, you can expect many of the treatments commonly recommended during dental emergencies to be covered under your plan, although we can of course help you confirm your benefits first.

Insurance coverage information form with glasses

Other Options for Making Dental Emergencies Affordable

Brice Dental is currently offering dedicated emergency appointments for $49; we hope this significantly discounted price makes it easier to pick up the phone when you need care the most. We also offer a membership club that covers one emergency exam per year and lets our patients enjoy 15% discounts off of most of our treatments. Finally, we can help you apply for CareCredit or LendingClub if you’re struggling to pay the entire cost of care all at once.

Keys to Preventing Dental Emergencies

Woman receiving emergency dentistry treatment

Most dental emergencies can be avoided, but only if you take the time to practice daily oral care and commit to regular visits to our office for routine cleanings and exams. You should also be:


  • Avoiding or using extra caution when eating hard foods that can crack teeth (i.e., hard candy, popcorn and toffee)
  • Using a custom-made nightguard if you grind your teeth at night
  • Using a custom-made sportsguard if you play contact sports like football, basketball, hockey or boxing

Dental Emergency FAQs

As an emergency dentist in San Antonio, Dr. Brice understands you want immediate care when a crisis occurs. But before you chip or knock out a tooth or lose a dental crown or filling, it’s not uncommon to have some questions about emergency dentistry. Where should you go? What to do if you’re out of town? Will insurance cover the visit? Below you will find a list of questions asked by our patients. After reviewing the following information, we invite you to contact us should you have any additional questions. 

When should I go to the ER instead of an emergency dentist?

You’ll be pleased to know that Dr. Brice is capable of treating most dental emergencies; however, there are a few instances in which you should go to a local ER instead, such as:

  • Severe facial trauma that results in a broken or fractured jaw
  • Swelling that continues to increase around the mouth or neck
  • Bleeding that does not cease after applying pressure for 15-20 minutes

These can be life-threatening situations that require immediate medical attention. In other situations (i.e., knocked-out tooth, chipped or broken tooth, soft tissue laceration), it is in your best interest to skip the ER and see your emergency dentist for treatment.

Why see an emergency dentist?

When you hear the words “emergency dentist,” you might assume visiting the ER is the best place to go. The truth is that when you experience a common dental injury, you will do better to see your local emergency dentist, and here’s why:

  1. You have an established relationship with your dentist, which means your medical history is already provided. They know you and what type of care you’ve received in-house. This can make it easier to diagnose and treat your problem more quickly.
  2. You can avoid waiting long hours in a lobby.
  3. You can receive start-to-finish treatment instead of being treated only for your immediate symptoms.

Should I keep my appointment even if I’m no longer in pain?

Just because a toothache dissipates doesn’t mean you should cancel your appointment with Dr. Brice. Pain is only one of many symptoms you may experience when it comes to an oral infection. By allowing a professional to examine your oral cavity with dental X-Rays, he can determine if a problem exists beneath the gums. If so, catching it early on will prove much more beneficial when it comes to your time, money, and livelihood of your natural teeth. Avoiding treatment because the pain goes away can put you at a greater risk for serious problems that can only be remedied using root canal therapy, tooth extraction, and tooth replacement solutions (i.e., dental implants).

If a dental emergency occurs while I’m out of town, what should I do?

Don’t assume you should just wait until you return to seek help. No matter if it’s a toothache, knocked-out tooth, abscess, or busted lip, it’s always best to find a local professional who can administer immediate care. This will ensure you get the treatment you need right away and avoid the potential for a worsening problem later on. It is best if you contact our office and inform us of the problem, as we will be able to determine if you should come in when you return from your trip.

What if I don’t have dental insurance? Should I still get help?

Yes! Leaving a dental emergency untreated can only do more harm. What might only require antibiotics can quickly lead to a necessary root canal or tooth extraction. Not to mention the possibility of needing dental implants or dentures to replace missing teeth. Even if you do not have dental insurance, Dr. Brice and his team offer an in-house dental savings plan as well as flexible financing through CareCredit and LendingClub. This will ensure you get the care you need while allowing you to stay within your budget.